
Posts Tagged ‘baby clothes’

People have asked This Girl and The Boy if they know if they are expecting a girl or a boy. And when they say they have no idea and wish to be surprised at the end of the pregnancy journey people think they’re nuts.

But seriously, there’s a certain fun-ness with not knowing. And, truth is, it saves money.

They have not bought anything baby-related to date and decided they’d make their first purchases Down Under since they have tons of baby and outlet stores with much cuter stuff than back home. Think Baby Bonds, Cotton On Baby and Pumpkin Patch. The Boy wasn’t that keen on the onset, having exclaimed as they walked to the Big W, “How nice can baby clothes be?”

It was simply precious, and hilarious, seeing him then go wide-eyed and a tad crazy picking out “neutral colours.” Neutral colours, in their books then meant: white, greys, blacks, greens. They refused to buy yellow having decided that their chance of a fair child was relatively high and yellow might make the kid look jaundiced. After the first found of stuff, they came to the realization that they simply bought stuff that they’d wear- just in baby size.

Case in point: The Boy’s first purchase was a baby hoodie. Black, no less.

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